
The Importance of Web Speed

By | July 24, 2024

Whenever we meet with clients, a few things are always a safe bet. It should look clean and fresh, probably  Continue Reading »


What Makes a Good Appliance Repair Website?

By | January 23, 2023

Recently I had the misfortune of being the un-proud owner of a broken dishwasher. This sort of thing typically sets  Continue Reading »

Calgary Golf Course

We’re Focusing on the Wrong Problems – What Golf Can Teach Us About Making Websites

By | August 30, 2020

At the end of that beautifully crafted golf club is still a silly human, and that’s where the trouble starts.

Calgary Website Wireframes

The Cost of Cheap

By | June 18, 2020

If somebody offered you a car for $500, you’d be quite right to question whether what you’re getting is actually a bargain.

Calgary Website Timeline

How Long Does it Take to Build a Website?

By | September 5, 2019

The question “how long does it take to build a website?” is one of those inquiries that web folk get uncomfortable answering.


WordCamp Calgary

By | May 27, 2018

WordCamp Calgary is my favourite event of the year. It’s not a flashy conference. It’s doesn’t have a big budget. It’s not held in a huge convention centre with holds thousands of people.